Brilliant Salmon Oil Giveaway!

Brilliant Salmon Oil Giveaway!

We are doing a giveaway of Brilliant Salmon Oil to bring up your spirits this period! 🥰
We are giving away 10 Brilliant Salmon Oil 300ml bottles for your beloved cats, dogs and other pets! 🐱🐶🐭🐰🐴
喺呢段疫情嚴重的時期,我哋決定以Giveaway方式隨機送出10支 300ml Brillaint Salmon Oil 俾你哋屋企嘅毛孩好好享用,令大家開心!呢個活動會喺3月31日晚上11:59分完,同埋只限香港地區㗎咋!一齊嚟參加啦!
To enter the contest:
✅Follow us @sanavitahk
✅Comment the name and breed of your beloved pet(s)
✅ Tag 3 friends
The giveaway ends on Thursday 31st of March 2022 at 11:59 PM. This giveaway is only available to Hong Kong residents and is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook / Instagram.